What’s the community saying?
Mindful Moments Testimonials
Mindful Moments Testimonials *
"Participating in the Mindful Moments is something that I look forward to each time I register. The watercolour gift card Mindful Moment was new to me, and I enjoyed making something that I was able to share with others. Participating in these sessions normalizes my symptoms and behaviours and the sessions accommodate the eye and mind breaks that I need but there is no requirement to engage in the meditations. Thank you again for providing a service that is lacking in our community."
“I always look forward to the Mindful Moments each week and try to schedule my time around Wednesdays at 1pm so that once a week I can slow down and do some self-care. I always enjoy meeting the new facilitators. It is nice to know that I fit in somewhere and others understand the challenges that I face. Thank you for continuing to run this program.”
“Thank you for exploring and continuing to push the margins on the kind of activities that you offer to our community online. KYHU provides people living with a brain injury opportunities that we cannot always have in our "offline lives".
“The most recent program really resonated with me. I loved it and have a big connection with it. It was nice to hear the difference in perspective with the music therapy.”
"I found the mindful yoga to be extremely relaxing and helped ease muscle tension I didn’t even know I had. I found it very easy to follow along and didn’t have to look at the video often, as the verbal instructions were very clear. I also appreciated the modifications that were offered."
“The session on anchoring in your calming place was excellent. While I already had learned this calming technique, this session brought it to a whole new level. It took it step by step in a mindful manner and made it so much easier and therefore more useful.”
“I wanted to thank you for such an eye-opening Mindful Moments session. It validated my symptoms, and I realized how debilitating a concussion and post-concussion syndrome could be. The Journaling Meditation was a great experience and made me feel a little less alone.”
“Very good, I enjoy the leaders very much. I feel like I'm a part of something. It's good to hear that I am not the only person who still feels this. It is good to just be myself and not be judged.”
“Mindful moments is a positive place for people with concussion and brain injuries to hang out and do fun activities with other people who understand what we are going though. For an hour each week, the loneliness and isolation of living with a TBI disappears.”
"My first session with Keep Your Head Up in almost a year. Just as helpful and relaxing as I remembered. Switched my work schedule around to be able to attend these sessions again because I felt I needed more brain injury community in my life."
“It was amazing! I really appreciate how welcoming everyone is, and how patient the leaders of the class are. They explain everything so clearly which makes it easy for me to follow.”
“I really enjoyed the tips and tricks session. A lot of health professionals in my city don't understand so it's nice to get advice from a community that gets it. No other group can hold space and empathize like one that has experienced the same trauma.”
"There were no expectations, no must produce. Instead it was just 'go with the flow''. No right, wrong. No rushing, breaks were taken. I came away feeling relaxed. Which takes a bit! I was happy to hear that I could sign up again in the coming months."
“It was incredible. I know I keep on saying it ... but I am SO grateful that I found this program and for the positive changes it has made in my life!”
“First program I attended was with Hank painting a canvas tote. The mindfulness, her calming voice & patience made me feel at ease, not judged & safe/comfortable in the program. I will definitely return & recommend it to my TBI friends & support group members.”
Community Education Testimonials
Community Education Testimonials *
"Thank you so much for coming to speak to our Intermediate students, sharing your own stories and giving them so much valuable information to think about. You are doing important work, and your presentation was a great addition to our Health programs!”
“I love how different your education program is. It's great for the students to learn how they can support someone that’s in concussion recovery.”
“Keep Your Head Up’s visit was incredibly valuable for our class. Allie and Felicia discussed the impact concussions have on well-being in a way that was easy to understand and kept the students engaged.”
Organizational Testimonials
Organizational Testimonials *
"Being a part of the foundation is giving me a sense of belonging I haven’t felt since my brain injury"
“I just wanted to thank you both, your foundation has helped me realize that I am not alone.”
“One of the most difficult things is to find a community and proper resources. I would have loved to come across your foundation during my recovery.”
“So glad I found your foundation. There is not much info about brain injury for those around us, only for us during our recovery really! So thank you.”