#wisdomwednesday @lovebrainreset1
Blog by: Anna Leggett from Suffolk, UK of lovebrainreset.com
If you're struggling to recover from post concussion syndrome and you're finding things hard, then I want you to know that you're as valuable a person on the tough days as you are on the good days.
Earlier on in my recovery from PCS, there were some really difficult days. I felt ashamed of myself for the state I was in. I felt I was letting my husband and children down. I'd get depressed about how I behaved or how I came across to others due to my symptoms. I ended up feeling pretty helpless and hopeless at times.
But I came to the powerful realization that, no matter what state I was in, I was still a valuable human being. Deep down, I knew I was still loved by the Creator or the Universe, which brought me comfort (even though I struggled to understand why my car accident had happened). But, you know, it doesn't matter whether you have a faith or not. The important thing is to know that you're a person of great worth and value every single day.
Your worth is not tied up in who you are on your best days. It's the same, no matter what kind of a day you're having.
We often tend to judge ourselves by the world's standards. It can at times seem that people only have worth if they're outwardly successful or if they look great or they're athletic or exceptionally clever. Everyone compares themselves to others sometimes, and it's never helpful, but it's especially unhelpful after a brain injury.
Another thing is that, for many of us prior to our injury, much of our self-worth may have been tied up in our job or in excelling at a sport or other activity. Or even in our role as a parent, partner, family member or friend. After our injury, maybe we felt we weren't making the mark or we were letting others or ourselves down.
Well, my injury has humbled me and it also reminded me that I'm not invincible or perfect nor do I want to be perfect. I do my best every day and more I cannot do.
And so I urge you every day to remind yourself of how valuable you are. You are a precious human being. Treat yourself without judgement and with forgiveness. Show yourself mountains of self-acceptance, self-love and self-compassion. It all helps make the journey easier. ❤