TBI Through the Eyes of Friends…

For this first #TBIthroughtheeyes, we asked our friends to share some of their experiences supporting us throughout our recoveries. Here is what they said:

How has the concussion affected your relationship with them?

It has been hard to watch a friend suffer from an injury you cannot see and cannot completely understand. It hasn’t always been easy but we have overcome a lot together by focusing on communication and how we can better support one another.

Tools and resources that you have used to help the individual?

I think some of the best ways to support a friend suffering are simply showing up and being there for them, offering a listening ear, and reassuring them that it’s okay to say ‘no’ when things become overwhelming. In the toughest moments, taking the time to listen and validate their feelings surrounding the injury can go a long way. It’s okay if you don't have answers or solutions for them, that’s not always what they are looking for. Having someone that will listen and allow them to process out loud is likely all that they need.

Tools and resources you have used to help yourself while supporting them?

I think for me the biggest struggle has been wanting to help and make things better but understanding that the best way I can do this is by educating myself and using this knowledge to listen and support them in every way I can. I’ve learned the importance of patience, mindfulness and taking a step back to empathize with and consider my friend’s lived experience. I know that I will never fully understand what it’s like to suffer from a TBI, but I know I can do my best to listen to and support a friend who does, whether it’s listening to the most difficult parts, or celebrating small victories. 

Has knowing someone with post-concussion syndrome changed your view on concussions? (Severity, impact, etc.)

Absolutely - witnessing the long-term impact of a concussion sheds a lot of light on how severe an ‘invisible’ injury can be. I think it’s important we continue to use these stories and experiences from individuals dealing with post concussion syndrome so we can develop new and better ways to support those who are affected by it.


TBI Through the Eyes of Partners…